DC765B, Demo Board based on LT3479EDE Positive Negative Converter (LT3479 ×2) @ 2.5V = VIN = 4.2V, VOUT >= 7V @ 600mA Boost, 2.5V = VIN = 12V, VOUT = -5V @ 600mA Inverter

参考設計 著者: Analog Devices

DC765B, Demo Board based on LT3479EDE Positive Negative Converter (LT3479 ×2) @ 2.5V = VIN = 4.2V, VOUT >= 7V @ 600mA Boost, 2.5V = VIN = 12V, VOUT = -5V @ 600mA Inverter
DC765B, Demonstration Circuit is a general purpose, positive and negative converters featuring the LT3479EDE. The demo circuit demonstrates small size and low component count in a boost circuit and an inverting circuit. The boost converter is set up to convert a 2.5 to 4.2V input to 7V output at 600mA. The inverting circuit generates a -5V output at 600mA from an input of 2.5 to 12V. Both circuits demonstrate the capacitor programmable Soft-Start feature, advantages of the 1MHz constant switching frequency and the internal 42V switches. Both outputs on this demo circuit can be modified for higher voltages. These circuits are intended for space-conscious applications such as high power LED drivers, DSL modems and Distributed Power