DC2422A-B, Demo Board Using LTC7812EUH Sync Boost + Sync Buck, 4 to 36V Vin, Vout1 (Quasi Regulated) = 10V-16V @ 6-8A

参考設計 著者: Analog Devices

DC2422A-B, Demo Board Using LTC7812EUH Sync Boost + Sync Buck, 4 to 36V Vin, Vout1 (Quasi Regulated) = 10V-16V @ 6-8A

DC2422A-B, Demonstration Circuit is a step-up + step-down DC/DC converter featuring the LTC7812EUH, a high performance dual output (Boost + Buck) synchronous DC/ DC switching regulator controller. This board has a 4V to 36V input voltage range and three different output configurations. The DC2422A-B provides a quasi-regulated output voltage between 10V and 16V, the circuit steps voltages lower than 10V up to 10V, passes voltages between 10V and 16V, and steps voltage above 16V down to 16V, providing a loosely regulated 12V bus