ADP2504CPZ-REDYKIT, RedyKit for the ADP2504 Buck-Boost Converter

参考設計 著者: Analog Devices

ADP2504CPZ-REDYKIT, RedyKit for the ADP2504 Buck-Boost Converter

ADP2504CPZ-REDYKIT, RedyKit allows simplified prototyping and evaluation and is available for every standard fixed output voltage option in the ADP2504 product family. The kit allows the user to evaluate the voltage options with one easy to order kit. The kit can be used in the engineering lab to evaluate required voltage options. If other voltage options must be evaluated, a different part from the kit can be easily soldered onto one of the evaluation boards supplied with the kit. The ADP2504CPZ-REDYKIT is available with fixed 2.8V and 5V evaluation boards