4 to 20mA Loop Powered Temperature Monitor Using the ADuC7060/ADuC7061 Precision Analog Microcontroller

参考設計 著者: Analog Devices

4 to 20mA Loop Powered Temperature Monitor Using the ADuC7060/ADuC7061 Precision Analog Microcontroller

4 to 20mA Loop Powered Temperature Monitor Using Precision Analog Microcontroller. This circuit provides a simple highly integrated temperature monitor solution that can interface to a 4 mA-to-20 mA host controller. This circuit provides a very low cost solution to temperature monitoring because so much of the circuit functionality is integrated on the ADuC7060/ADuC7061 precision analog microcontroller, including dual 24-bit ADCs, the ARM7 processor core and the DAC/PWM features for controlling the 4 mA-to-20 mA feedback circuit