Relay GmbH

Relay GmbH

住所Stettiner Str. 38, 33106 Paderborn, Germany

Because of environmental protection, rising energy prices and the liberalisation of the energy market, collection of energy consumption data becomes more and more important. Also Dipl. Physcist Klaus Reinecke had recognized this, as he founded the Relay GmbH in 1991. Since that we became one of the leading manufacturers of building service components for consumption data collection, with customers in the whole world.


クッキーを使用して、体験をパーソナライズし、機能を向上させます。「すべてを受け入れる」をクリックすると、すべての使用に同意したことになります クッキー. 詳細は当社のプライバシーポリシーをご覧ください。