TIDA-00195, Isolated IGBT Gate Driver Evaluation Platform for 3-Phase Inverter System Reference Design

Progetto di riferimento di: Texas Instruments

TIDA-00195, Isolated IGBT Gate Driver Evaluation Platform for 3-Phase Inverter System Reference Design

TIDA-00195, Reference Design consists of a 22kW power stage with new reinforced isolated IGBT gate driver ISO5852S intended for motor control in various applications. This design allows performance evaluation of the ISO5852S in 3-phase inverter incorporating 1200V rated IGBT modules of current ratings ranging from 50A-200A. Some of the important functionality and performance evaluated are short circuit protection using DESAT detection, Soft-shut-down, effectiveness of the Active Miller Clamp at different inverter dv/dt, and ESD/EFT performance of IGBT gate driver at system level derived from adjustable speed electrical power drive systems (IEC61800-3). Piccolo launch pad LAUNCHXL-F28027 is used to generate the PWM signals required for controlling the inverter