M5249C3UM, M5249C3 Reference Board based on the MCF5249 device is a member of the ColdFire family of Processors
Progetto di riferimento di: NXP Semiconductors
M5249C3UM, M5249C3 Reference Board provides SDRAM, Flash ROM, an Ethernet interface (10/100BaseT) and RS-232 in addition to the built-in I/O functions of the MCF5249 device for programming and evaluating the attributes of the microprocessor. The MCF5249 device is a member of the ColdFire family of processors. It is a 32-bit processor with a 24-bit address bus and 16 lines of data. The processor has eight 32-bit data registers, eight 32-bit address registers, a 32-bit program counter and a 16-bit status register. The MCF5249 processor has a System Integration Module referred to as the SIM