DRV2605EVM-BT, Evaluation Board based on DRV2605 ERM, LRA Haptic Driver Feedback with Bluetooth Low Energy and iOS applications

Progetto di riferimento di: Texas Instruments

DRV2605EVM-BT, Evaluation Board based on DRV2605 ERM, LRA Haptic Driver Feedback with Bluetooth Low Energy and iOS applications

DRV2605EVM-BT, Evaluation Board for the DRV2605 ERM and LRA Haptic Driver. The kit connects the DRV2605 to an iOS applications. wirelessly over Bluetooth Low Energy to allow control, creation and customization of haptic effects. Use the included app to demonstrate the use of haptics in smart watches, fitness trackers, wearable devices or to (haptify) any application without having to connect wires externally to a micro-controller. The applications includes notification demos, waveform playback and DRV2605 register control

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