BQ27505EVM, System-Side, Single-Cell Impedance Track Technology Evaluation Module

Progetto di riferimento di: Texas Instruments

BQ27505EVM, System-Side, Single-Cell Impedance Track Technology Evaluation Module
BQ27505EVM, is a complete evaluation system for the bq27505. The EVM includes one bq27505 circuit module, a current sense resistor, one thermistor, an EV2300 PC interface board for gas gauge interface, a PC USB cable, and Windows-based PC software. The circuit module includes one bq27505 integrated circuit and all other on-board components necessary to monitor and predict capacity for a system-side fuel gauge solution. The circuit module connects directly across the battery pack. With the EV2300 interface board and software, the user can read the bq27505 data registers, program the chipset for different pack configurations, log cycling data for further evaluation, and evaluate the overall functionality of the bq27505 solution under different charge and discharge conditions