PMP4408.1, Offline AC/DC 120W Multi-Output Flyback Power Supply Reference Design
Conception de référence par: Texas Instruments

Conception de référence par: Texas Instruments
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersTPS5402DR
DC to DC Converter and Switching Regulator ChipTL431AIDBZR
Voltage ReferencesTL431AIDBZT
Voltage ReferencesTL431AIDBZRG4
Voltage ReferencesTL431AIDBZTG4
Voltage ReferencesLM5023MM-2/NOPB
PWM and Resonant ControllersLM5023MME-2/NOPB
PWM and Resonant ControllersLM5023MMX-2/NOPB
PWM and Resonant Controllers