NCP1397GANGEVB, High Performance Integrated High Voltage Driver Evaluation Board. The NCP1397GANGEVB reference design provides a 12V/20A power supply using Gallium Nitride (GaN) HEMTs as the switching devices. The front-end of the power converter converts a universal AC line to a 385 dc bus while achieving near unity power factor. The second stage is a DC-DC stage that converts the 385 VDC bus to a 12V output with a max rated load current of 20A. The Boost PFC stage employs NCP1654 CCM controller. The second stage is an isolated DC-DC converter that converts the 385 Vdc bus to a 12 Vdc voltage output and employs NCP1397 LLC controller. Synchronous rectification is achieved with the NCP4304 synchronous controller on the secondary side to improve efficiency