XDC564L100S1M, XKT564L Evaluation system supporting MPC564xL 32-bit dual core Power Architecture microcontrollers

Conception de référence par: NXP Semiconductors

XDC564L100S1M, XKT564L Evaluation system supporting MPC564xL 32-bit dual core Power Architecture microcontrollers

XDC564L100S1M, XKT564L Evaluation system supporting MPC564xL 32-bit dual core Power Architecture microcontrollers. The MKT564L EVB is an evaluation system supporting our MPC564xL microcontrollers. The complete system consists of an XPC56xxMB2 motherboard and an MDC564L daughter-card which plugs into the motherboard. Different daughter-cards are available for evaluating devices with different footprints in the MPC564xL family of microcontrollers. The evaluation system allows full access to the CPU, all of the CPU's I/O signals, and the motherboard peripherals. The mini-module may be used as a stand-alone unit, which allows access to the CPU, but no access to the I/O pins or any motherboard peripherals