Typical Application for NCP606 500mA, Low IGND, CMOS LDO Regulator with/without Enable and with Enhanced ESD Protection for Adjustable Version (1.25 V < Vout <= 5.0 V)

Conception de référence par: onsemi

Typical Application for NCP606 500mA, Low IGND, CMOS LDO Regulator with/without Enable and with Enhanced ESD Protection for Adjustable Version (1.25 V < Vout <= 5.0 V)

Typical Application for NCP606 500mA, Low IGND, CMOS LDO Regulator with/without Enable and with Enhanced ESD Protection for Adjustable Version (1.25 V < Vout <= 5.0 V). The NCP605/NCP606 provide in excess of 500 mA of output current at fixed voltage options or an adjustable output voltage from 5.0 V down to 1.25 V

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