TX-SDK-V2, Ultrasound Transmit Solution Evaluation Board for the LM96530 Octal T/R Switch, LM96550 Octal High Voltage Pulser, LM96570 Octal Digital Beam former

Conception de référence par: Texas Instruments

TX-SDK-V2, Ultrasound Transmit Solution Evaluation Board for the LM96530 Octal T/R Switch, LM96550 Octal High Voltage Pulser, LM96570 Octal Digital Beam former

TX-SDK-V2, Ultrasound Transmit Solution Evaluation Board demonstrates a comprehensive transmit-side signal path featuring the LM96530 Octal T/R Switch, the LM96550 Octal High Voltage Pulser and the LM96570 Octal Digital Beam former. The digital beam former serves as the on-board signal generator by outputting programmable digital pulse patterns (an external 40MHz VCXO is included to drive the internal PLL of the beam former). These output pulse patterns then drive the inputs of the high voltage pulser. The pulser outputs drive both the inputs of the T/R switch, as well as SMA connectors for measuring the high voltage pulsar's performance

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