TPS65010EVM-230 is an integrated power and battery management integrated circuit for applications that are powered with one Li-Ion or Li-Polymer cell

Conception de référence par: Texas Instruments

TPS65010EVM-230 is an integrated power and battery management integrated circuit for applications that are powered with one Li-Ion or Li-Polymer cell

TPS65010EVM-230 is an evaluation tool for the TPS65010 integrated power and battery management IC. The TP65010 comes in 7x7 mm2 QFN-48 package and is suitable for applications that are powered with one Li-Ion or Li-Polymer battery cell and require multiple power rails. The TPS65010 contains two highly efficient switching step-down converters, two low-dropout regulators, a battery charger, and additional status and I/O pins. The device is controlled via an I2C interface