TPS2359 Dual-Slot ATCA Advanced MC Controller with I2C Evaluation Module
Conception de référence par: Texas Instruments
Dual-Slot Advanced MC Controller Evaluation Module (TPS2359EVM) is a PCB platform for users to learn about the features and operation of the TPS2359 integrated circuit. The TPS2359 Full Featured Dual-Slot Advanced MC Controller manages two 12V and two 3.3V power rails, and features inrush and fault current limiting, FET OR-ing, input UVLO protection, logic-level enable inputs and an I2C interface. Current control on the 12V rails has a high degree of programmability, including independent current limit and fast trip thresholds. System level timing and other control parameters are accessed via the I2C interface, along with read back of FET and output rail status. In addition, current sense and pass and block FET's for the 3.3V channels are fully integrated into the device