TLV320ADC3101EVM-K, Evaluation Board for TLV320ADC3101, 16-Bit, 96 KSPS ADC for Active Noise Cancellation

Conception de référence par: Texas Instruments

TLV320ADC3101EVM-K, Evaluation Board for TLV320ADC3101, 16-Bit, 96 KSPS ADC for Active Noise Cancellation
TLV320ADC3101EVM-K, Evaluation Board for TLV320ADC3101, 16-Bit, 96 KSPS ADC for Active Noise Cancellation. The TLV320ADC3101EVM is modular EVM form factor, which allows direct evaluation of the device performance and operating characteristics and eases software development and system prototyping. The TLV320ADC3101EVM-K is a complete evaluation/demonstration kit, which includes a USB-based motherboard, called the USB-MODEVM interface board, and evaluation software for use with a personal computer (PC) running the Microsoft Windows operating system