TIDA-00702, 60W, 24V High Efficiency Industrial Power Supply with Precision Voltage, Current and Power Limit
Conception de référence par: Texas Instruments

Conception de référence par: Texas Instruments
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersTMP302C
Temperature and Humidity SensorsLM5050MK-2
OR ControllersTL431BQDBZ
Voltage ReferencesUCC28740DR
AC to DC Switching ConvertersLM5050MKX-2
OR ControllersTMP302CDRLR
Temperature and Humidity SensorsTMP302CDRLT
Temperature and Humidity SensorsUCC24630DBVR
AC to DC Switching ConvertersUCC24630DBVT
AC to DC Switching ConvertersTMP302CQDRLRQ1
Temperature and Humidity SensorsLM5050MK-2/NOPB
OR ControllersLM5050MKX-2/NOPB
OR Controllers