SPC56XXMB, SPC56 Evaluation Mother Board based on UPD78F0865MC MCU

Conception de référence par: STMicroelectronics

SPC56XXMB, SPC56 Evaluation Mother Board based on UPD78F0865MC MCU

SPC56XXMB, Motherboard is an evaluation system supporting the SPC560xx Microprocessors. The complete system consists of an SPC56XXMB motherboard and an SPC56xxxADPT mini module (not included) which plugs into the motherboard. Different mini modules are available for evaluating the different devices in the SPC560xx family of Microprocessors. The evaluation system (motherboard and mini module) allows full access to the CPU, all of the CPU's I/O signals and the motherboard peripherals (such as CAN, SCI, LIN)