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SP6133EB, Evaluation Board for the 3.3V DC to DC Single Output Power Supply for Distributed Power System
SP6133EB, Evaluation Board for the 3.3V DC to DC Single Output Power Supply for Distributed Power System
Conception de référence par:
SP6133EB, Evaluation Board for the 3.3V DC to DC Single Output Power Supply for Distributed Power System. The SP6133ER1 12V Input, 0 to 10A Output Synchronous Buck Converter
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Conceptions de référence
Lithium-Ion Battery Charger for Lighting
96W, 12V DC to DC Single Output Power Supply
One LED White LED Driver for Lighting
2.7, 3.3V, Lithium-Ion Battery Charger for Portable
6V DC to DC Single Output Power Supply
DC to DC Single Output Power Supply
43V DC to DC Single Output Power Supply
Powering the Zynq FPGA with XRP7714
High Power LED Driver with Dimmer Design Circuit
DS3/E3/STS Framer for SONET
4.7V DC to DC Single Output Power Supply
1.2V DC to DC Single Output Power Supply
1.3V DC to DC Single Output Power Supply
1.3V DC to DC Single Output Power Supply for Graphics Card
One LED General LED Driver for Lighting
One LED Dimming LED Driver for Lighting
0.9V DC to DC Single Output Power Supply for Portable
-15V DC to DC Single Output Power Supply
1.2V DC to DC Single Output Power Supply for Graphics Card
1.5V DC to DC Single Output Power Supply for Computers/Peripherals
0.9V DC to DC Single Output Power Supply for Portable
1V DC to DC Single Output Power Supply
0.9V DC to DC Single Output Power Supply for DDR Memory
1.1V, 1.5V DC to DC Multi-Output Power Supply for Cellular Phone
1.45V DC to DC Single Output Power Supply
Conception de référence
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