PMP9535, 36 to 57 Vin, 5.4 Vout, 150 mA using TPS54061 Features light-load efficiency using Telecom voltages

Conception de référence par: Texas Instruments

PMP9535, 36 to 57 Vin, 5.4 Vout, 150 mA using TPS54061 Features light-load efficiency using Telecom voltages

PMP9535, Reference design uses a synchronous buck converter to provide light load efficiency with predictable ripple off Telecom voltage range. A low fixed frequency of 50kHz with operation in the discontinuous mode at all, but the highest loading achieves excellent efficiency at light loads without the burst mode which creates unpre-dicable ripple. The PMP9535 extends operation into the 36-57 V input range and demonstrates stability at 150mA load where conduction becomes continuous