PMP7174, 24V/1.45A AC/DC Flyback PSU for Industrial Applications Optimized for Low AC Line Input Reference Design

Conception de référence par: Texas Instruments

PMP7174, 24V/1.45A AC/DC Flyback PSU for Industrial Applications Optimized for Low AC Line Input Reference Design

PMP7174, 24V/1.45A AC/DC Flyback PSU for Industrial Applications Optimized for Low AC Line Input Reference Design. This design is a compact, low AC line input (Maximum 130Vac) Flyback converter which provides a regulated and fully-isolated 24V at 1.45A output. Featuring LM5021 current mode controller working at 135kHz, the converter features fast start-up and delivers greater than 85% efficiency from 30-100% load. The overall solution is very compact at footprint area