P-NUCLEO-USB001, STM32 Nucleo Pack Development Kit for USB Type-C and Power Delivery with the Nucleo-L476RG Board
Conception de référence par: STMicroelectronics

Conception de référence par: STMicroelectronics
DC to DC Converter and Switching Regulator ChipLD3985M33R
Linear RegulatorsTSV911AILT
Operational Amplifiers - Op AmpsLD1117S50TR
Linear RegulatorsINA199A1DCKR
Special Purpose AmplifiersLD39050PU33R
Linear RegulatorsSTMPS2161STR
Power SwitchesSTM32F103CBT6
Microcontrollers - MCUsSTM32L053R8T6
Microcontrollers - MCUsABS25-32.768kHz-6-T