FEBFAN9611_S01U300A, Evaluation Board based on FAN9611MX 300W Interleaved Dual-BCM Low-Profile, PFC

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FEBFAN9611_S01U300A, Evaluation Board based on FAN9611MX 300W Interleaved Dual-BCM Low-Profile, PFC

FEBFAN9611_S01U300A, Evaluation Board for the FAN9611 interleaved, dual Boundary-Conduction-Mode (BCM), Power-Factor Correction (PFC) controllers operate two parallel-connected boost power. Interleaving extends the maximum practical power level of the control technique from about 300W to greater than 800W. Unlike the Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) technique often used at higher power levels, BCM offers inherent zero current switching of the boost diodes (no reverse-recovery losses), which permits the use of less expensive diodes without sacrificing efficiency