EVAL-AD7091R-4SDZ, Evaluation Board for Evaluating the AD7091R-4 12-Bit ADC Monitor and Control System

Conception de référence par: Analog Devices

EVAL-AD7091R-4SDZ, Evaluation Board for Evaluating the AD7091R-4 12-Bit ADC Monitor and Control System

EVAL-AD7091R-4SDZ, Evaluation Board designed to allow the user to easily evaluate all features of the AD7091R-4 family of analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). The evaluation board can be controlled via the SDP connector. The SDP board (EVAL-SDP-CB1Z) allows the evaluation board to be controlled through the USB port of a PC using the evaluation board software available for download from the product page. On-board components include: the AD8031 high speed precision rail-to-rail Op-Amp, the AD8032 high speed precision rail-to-rail dual Op-Amp, the ADP3303 high accuracy 200 mA low dropout linear regulator and the REF193 3.0 volt precision Micro-power, low dropout, low voltage reference