EVAL-AD5290EBZ, Evaluation Board for AD5290, 30V, 256-Position Digital Potentiometer

Conception de référence par: Analog Devices

EVAL-AD5290EBZ, Evaluation Board for AD5290, 30V, 256-Position Digital Potentiometer

EVAL-AD5290EBZ, Evaluation Board for AD5290, 30V, 256-Position Digital Potentiometer. The AD5259 supports single-supply 2.7 V to 5.5 V operation, making the device suited for battery-powered applications and many other applications with superior low temperature coefficient performance. In addition, The AD5290 uses a versatile I2C serial interface that operates in fast mode, allowing speeds of up to 400 kHz. This interface can be used to read back the wiper register and EEPROM content