DEV-15444, parkFun RedBoard Artemis
Conception de référence par: SparkFun Electronics
DEV-15444, RedBoard Artemis takes the incredibly powerful Artemis module from SparkFun and wraps it up in an easy to use and familiar Uno footprint. We've written an Arduino core from scratch to make programming the Artemis as familiar as Serial.begin(9600). Time-to-first-blink is less than five minutes. The RedBoard Artemis has the improved power conditioning and USB to serial that we've refined over the years on our RedBoard line of products. A modern USB-C connector makes programming easy. A Qwiic connector makes I2C easy. The RedBoard Artemis is fully compatible with SparkFun's Arduino core and can be programmed easily under the Arduino IDE. We've exposed the JTAG connector for more advanced users who prefer to use the power and speed of professional tools