DC2313A, Programmable Six Channel Sequencer and Voltage Supervisor with EEPROM

Conception de référence par: Analog Devices

DC2313A, Programmable Six Channel Sequencer and Voltage Supervisor with EEPROM

DC2313A, Demonstration Circuit 2313A showcases the LTC2937, a programmable six channel power supply sequencer and voltage supervisor. The LTC2937 provides flexible sequence control for up to six power supplies. It enables and disables the supplies with configurable sequence order and time delays, monitors the supplies for power-up and power-down time, and for overvoltage and under voltage. It cooperates with other LTC2937 parts in the system to coordinate power sequencing activities. It provides flexible fault response to autonomously supervise the power supplies, and powerful debug tools to diagnose any problem that causes a power- supply fault. It holds configuration in non-volatile EEPROM for completely automatic power system supervision