CY8CKIT-042-BLE, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit designed to showcase the functionality and ease of use of PSoC 4 BLE and PRoC BLE devices while developing Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth Smart) applications

Conception de référence par: Infineon Technologies AG

CY8CKIT-042-BLE, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit designed to showcase the functionality and ease of use of PSoC 4 BLE and PRoC BLE devices while developing Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth Smart) applications

CY8CKIT-042-BLE, Bluetooth Pioneer Development Kit designed to showcase the functionality and ease of use of PSoC 4 BLE and PRoC BLE devices while developing Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth Smart) applications. BLE solution provides an easy-to-use, intuitive GUI to configure the BLE protocol stack using a BLE component available in the standard integrated development environment (IDE), PSoC Creator. The CySmart PC tool allows emulation of a central device and quick access to peripheral connections and debugging

Conceptions de référence

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