Accrue Technologies Solutions Co., Ltd

Accrue Technologies Solutions Co., Ltd


Accrue Technologies was established as a sole proprietorship in 2009 to trade in electronic components, captive screws and thermal insulation film in the EMS industry. In 2010, Accrue Technologies Pte Ltd was registered with a paid-up capital of SDG100, 000 as business grew. To facilitate the company expansion to serve the automotive industry, Accrue Technologies Solutions Co Ltd was set up in Thailand in 2011 with converting facility in die-cutting and metal-stamping. In the same year, strategic partnerships was forged with DCM Precision Co Ltd to provide precision engineering, jig/fixture/die and metal tool fabrication support for the Thailand factory. In 2013, Accrue Technologies Solutions Co., Ltd were appointed as the preferred distributor and converter of Parker Chomerics for distribution and conversion of their renowned Thermal and EMI products.