TIDA-00293, Best-in-class Stereo lithography 3D Printer Reference Design Using DLP Technology

Diseño de referencia por: Texas Instruments

TIDA-00293, Best-in-class Stereo lithography 3D Printer Reference Design Using DLP Technology

TIDA-00293, DLP 3D Printer Reference Design employs DLP 3D Structured Light Software Development Kit (SDK) and enables developers build best-in-class resolution 3D objects. The highly differentiated DLP technology uses stereo-lithography technique popular in high accuracy and high-speed 3D printing. This Design features the DLP Light Crafter 4500 evaluation module, showcasing the DLP 0.45 inch WXGA chipset, to accurately expose object layers. The system also uses low power MSP430 embedded processor to synchronize layer exposure with motor control for precise incremental 3D builds