RD-355, Reference Design Using FNB41560 Motion Smart Power Module 45 Series for PSMS motor drive system applications

Diseño de referencia por: onsemi

RD-355, Reference Design Using FNB41560 Motion Smart Power Module 45 Series for PSMS motor drive system applications

RD-355, Reference Design supports inclusion of three-phase PMSM/BLDC controller FCM8531QY, Motion Smart Power Module 45 Series FNB41560, Interleaved Dual-BCM PFC Controller FAN9611MX, Advanced Pulse Frequency Modulation Controller FAN7631SJX and Green Mode Fairchild Power Switch FSL206MRN in design of a PMSM motor drive solution up to 600W. The selection of the heat sink on this reference design is based on air-flowing condition. If the surrounding is air static in the real application, enhance the heat sink or downgrade the power