PMP9297, 150W Dual Channel Synchronous Boost for Gain audio applications

Diseño de referencia por: Texas Instruments

PMP9297, 150W Dual Channel Synchronous Boost for Gain audio applications

PMP9297, 150W Dual Channel Synchronous Boost for Gain audio applications. The PMP9297 is a dual channel synchronous boost for GaN audio amplifier applications. It converts 35V input to an adjustable 38V to 55V output at 150W per channel. Additional input and output bulk capacitors are included outside of the solution size area. This design uses TLP0202 dual channel digital pot to program the output voltages via SPI bus. Output current monitoring is done using LMP8481-S high-side current sense amplifiers. NTC thermistors allow temperature measurement of the High-side MOSFETs

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