PMP8372, 24V Input, Low Noise, Split-Rail (+/-5V) Output Voltages with 300mA Outputs

Diseño de referencia por: Texas Instruments

PMP8372, 24V Input, Low Noise, Split-Rail (+/-5V) Output Voltages with 300mA Outputs

PMP8372, 24V Input, Low Noise, Split-Rail (+/-5V) Output Voltages with 300mA Outputs. PMP8372 design is optimized for small size and uses the TPS84250 step-down power module on the top- side with the TPS84259 negative output power module on the bottom-side to implement both positive and negative output voltages from a 12V/24V source. The output voltages can be adjusted from +/-3V to +/-15V with resistor changes. The design is capable of 1-A outputs. The positive-input TPS7A4700 LDO and negative-input TPS7A3301 LDO are included for a low noise, high PSRR solution that is ideal for powering bipolar amplifiers, data converters, or other noise-sensitive analog circuitry

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