MIKROE-2338, Angle 2 Click Board is a Magnetic Rotational Sensor based on the ultra-fast MA700 Angular Sensor

Diseño de referencia por: MikroElektronika

MIKROE-2338, Angle 2 Click Board is a Magnetic Rotational Sensor based on the ultra-fast MA700 Angular Sensor
MIKROE-2338, Angle 2 Click Board is a magnetic rotational sensor which relies on the ultra-fast MA700 angular sensor IC. Due to a high data output rate of 500kHz, the MA700 IC is able to provide a reliable absolute angular positional data at speeds up to 100,000 RPM. This can be achieved by utilizing the advanced Spinaxis technology based on a direct angle sampling approach, instead of using the extensive arctangent computations and other similar solutions. This also allows for relaxed mechanical tolerances, allowing even the off-axis magnetic field to be used. It comes in the package which also includes the mikroSDK software and a library with all the functions