EVAL-ADM1275EBZ, Evaluation Board for the ADM1275-1ACPZ and ADM1275-3ACPZ devices. The elaborated layout gives users a clear visual of all the peripheral components and the hot-swap power path. The layout also maximizes the board's ability to dissipate heat for some of the key components on the power path, allowing the evaluation of very high current hot-swap setups. Three sense-resistor slots and six multipackage FET slots give users great flexibility and allow them to simulate a wide range of application setups. Multiple test points allow easy access to all critical points/pins. Six LEDs give users direct visual indication on variations in the board status, such as supply input, output, IC power good output, latch output and GPO outputs. Six ADT75 digital temperature sensors on the back of the board allow users to obtain the board's thermal data through an I2C bus in real time