DRV8834EVM, Evaluation Module based on DRV8834 Motor Driver to drive Single Bipolar Stepper Motor

Diseño de referencia por: Texas Instruments

DRV8834EVM, Evaluation Module based on DRV8834 Motor Driver to drive Single Bipolar Stepper Motor

DRV8834EVM, Evaluation Module (EVM) is a platform revolving around the DRV8834, a low voltage, single bipolar stepper motor and highly configurable power stage. This device has been optimized to drive a single bipolar stepper with up to 32 degrees of internally generated Micro-Stepping or a single bipolar stepper with high resolution externally generated Micro-Stepping. In this EVM, high resolution is meant to imply 512 degrees of Micro-Stepping, but higher resolution, as given by any given DAC resource, can be implemented. The EVM houses an MSP430 microcontroller and an USB interface chip