DC2467A, Demo Board Using LTC2970 Dual Power Supply Monitor Linduino Shield with LTC3604 and LT3581 Regulators

Diseño de referencia por: Analog Devices

DC2467A, Demo Board Using LTC2970 Dual Power Supply Monitor Linduino Shield with LTC3604 and LT3581 Regulators

DC2467A, Linduino Shield Demonstration System for the LTC2970 dual power supply monitor and margining controller. The LTC2970 provides a rich set of features for monitoring and controlling two power rails, including monitoring supply voltage and current, detecting faults in voltage and current, margining the supply voltage high or low, measuring temperature, and turning the supplies on and off through GPIO pins. It is fully accessible through the built-in I2C bus, which allows it to communicate with an external microcontroller or other I2C bus master