DC1719A, Demo Board Using LTC5569 Dual Wideband Active Mixer Demo Circuit with RF=1.4 to 3.3GHz, IF=190MHz

Diseño de referencia por: Analog Devices

DC1719A, Demo Board Using LTC5569 Dual Wideband Active Mixer Demo Circuit with RF=1.4 to 3.3GHz, IF=190MHz
DC1719A, Demonstration Circuit is optimized for evaluation of the LTC5569 dual active Down-Converting mixer. Its RF and LO input ports are internally matched to 50O from 1.4GHz to 3.3GHz and from 1GHz to 3.5GHz, respectively. The IF output uses a bandpass network followed by an 8:1 transformer to provide a 50 Ohm match at 190MHz