CC1110EM433_REFDES, CC1110EM 433MHz Reference Design for the CC1110 RF Transceiver

Diseño de referencia por: Texas Instruments

CC1110EM433_REFDES, CC1110EM 433MHz Reference Design for the CC1110 RF Transceiver
CC1110EM433_REFDES, CC1110EM 433MHz Reference Design for the CC1110 RF Transceiver. The reference design demonstrates good techniques for CC1110 decoupling and RF layout. for optimum RF performance, these parts should be copied accurately. This is a 2-layer reference design with a discrete balun and SMA antenna connector designed for a single ended 50 ohm antenna. The RF section is designed for operation in the 433 MHz frequency band. The 315 MHz and 433 MHz reference designs share the same layout, but some of the component values are different