AD8341-EVALZ, Evaluation Board based on AD8341 1.5 to 2.4 GHz RF Vector Modulator

Diseño de referencia por: Analog Devices

AD8341-EVALZ, Evaluation Board based on AD8341 1.5 to 2.4 GHz RF Vector Modulator

AD8341-EVALZ, Evaluation Board is a fully populated, 4-layer, FR4-based designed to allow easy evaluation of all features of the AD8341. RF input, baseband input and RF output SMA connections with single ended setups are featured. There is an option of full differential signaling on the baseband inputs at card edge if the user desires. Access to the +5 V/125 mA supply is achieved with clip leads to the VP and GND test points, it has a range from +4.75 to +5.25 V