Minimax GmbH & Co. KG

Minimax GmbH & Co. KG

Sitio web
Número de teléfono+49 4533 206667
DirecciónIn­dus­triestrasse 10/12,23840 Bad Oldesloe,Ger­many

For 120 years, Minimax has been one of the lead­ing brands in fire pro­tec­tion. The Minimax Vik­ing Group boasts a cur­rent an­nual turnover of ‚1.9bn and em­ploys around 9,500 people world­wide. The group, headquartered in Bad Oldesloe, Ger­many, has sev­eral re­search, de­vel­op­ment and man­u­fac­tur­ing fa­cil­it­ies. Whether for auto­mot­ive plants, power plants, lo­gist­ics cen­ters, of­fice and ad­min­is­tra­tion build­ings, data cen­ters or on ships, Minimax provides tailored solu­tions wherever there is a fire threat. A com­pre­hens­ive range of after-in­stall­a­tion ser­vices com­pletes the of­fer­ing.