Real Time Clock
Referenzdesign von: Analog Devices
ROM/Time Chip Interface. The DS1315 and DS1216(E/F) can also be used in conjunction with a ROM
Referenzdesign von: Analog Devices
Real Time ClocksDS1216C
Real Time ClocksDS1216D
Real Time ClocksDS1216E
Real Time ClocksDS1216F
Real Time ClocksDS1216H
Real Time ClocksDS1216F+
Real Time ClocksDS1315+5
Real Time ClocksDS1315-5
Real Time ClocksDS1216F-3
Real Time ClocksDS1315-33
Real Time ClocksDS1315-5+
Real Time ClocksDS1315E-5
Real Time ClocksDS1315N-5
Real Time ClocksDS1315S-5
Real Time ClocksDS1216F-3+
Real Time ClocksDS1315-33+
Real Time ClocksDS1315E-33
Real Time ClocksDS1315E-5+
Real Time ClocksDS1315EN-5
Real Time ClocksDS1315N-33
Real Time ClocksDS1315N-5+
Real Time ClocksDS1315S-33
Real Time ClocksDS1315S-5+
Real Time ClocksDS1315SN-5
Real Time ClocksDS1315E-33+
Real Time ClocksDS1315EN-33
Real Time ClocksDS1315EN-5+
Real Time ClocksDS1315N-33+
Real Time ClocksDS1315S-33+
Real Time ClocksDS1315SN-33
Real Time ClocksDS1315SN-5+
Real Time ClocksDS1315EN-33+
Real Time ClocksDS1315SN-33+
Real Time ClocksDS1315S-5+T&R
Real Time ClocksDS1315S-5/T&R
Real Time ClocksDS1315EN-5+T&R
Real Time ClocksDS1315EN-5/T&R
Real Time ClocksDS1315S-33+T&R
Real Time ClocksDS1315EN-33+T&R
Real Time ClocksDS1315EN-33/T&R
Real Time ClocksDS1315SN-33+T&R
Real Time Clocks