PMP11196, Reference Design for 12Vin, Two Phase Synchronous Buck Converter @ 1V/50A with PMBUs Control

Referenzdesign von: Texas Instruments

PMP11196, Reference Design for 12Vin, Two Phase Synchronous Buck Converter @ 1V/50A with PMBUs Control

PMP11196, Reference Design for 12Vin, Two Phase Synchronous Buck Converter @ 1V/50A with PMBUs Control. Fixed frequency voltage mode control is used for CPU, Memory and ASIC applications where a predictable frequency and/or synchronization to an external clock is needed. Two high current synchronous power stages provide the high currents and low losses needed for these applications. Multi-phase also allows output ripple cancellation and effective higher bandwidth control for a given switching frequency. PMP11196 focuses on ease of electrical testing and ability to make changes "on the fly" through the PMBUs interface. A high speed dynamic load rounds out the rich test interface