MAX31850EVKIT#, Evaluation Kit for the MAX31850 and MAX31851

Referenzdesign von: Analog Devices

MAX31850EVKIT#, Evaluation Kit for the MAX31850 and MAX31851

MAX31850EVKIT#, Evaluation Kit for the MAX31850 and MAX31851MAX31850/MAX31851 Evaluation Kit (EV kit) provides the hardware and software graphical user interface (GUI) necessary to evaluate the MAX31850/MAX31851 cold-junction compensated, 1-Wire thermocouple-to-digital converter. The EV kit comes with a MAX31850KATB+ soldered to the PCB. This is the K-type thermocouple version of the device. Other thermocouple types can be evaluated by procuring the desired thermocouple, thermocouple socket, and corresponding MAX31850 or MAX31851. Contact the factory for free samples of the devices to match your desired thermocouple type. See the Evaluating Other Thermocouple Types section in the full data sheet for part numbers and additional information regarding other thermocouple types