EVAL-ADuC7026QSPZ, QuickStart Plus Development System for Evaluating the ADuC7026 ARM7 MCU Micro-Converter

Referenzdesign von: Analog Devices

EVAL-ADuC7026QSPZ, QuickStart Plus Development System for Evaluating the ADuC7026 ARM7 MCU Micro-Converter

EVAL-ADuC7026QSPZ, QuickStart Plus Development System for evaluating the ADuC7026 devices which is fully integrated with 1MSPS, 12bit data acquisition systems incorporating high performance multi-channel ADCs, 16bit/32bit MCUs and flash/EE memory on a single chip. This quickStart and quickStart plus kits for the ADuC702x precision analog microcontrollers feature debug via UART and an assembly/C source debugging environment. In addition the quickStart Plus kit allows true non intrusive JTAG emulation. The ADuC7026 quickStart plus is intended for new users who want to have a comprehensive hardware development environment. Since the ADuC7026 contains the superset of functions available on the ADuC7019/20/21/22/24/25/ 26/27/28/29, it is suitable for users who wish to develop on any of the parts in this family. All parts are fully code compatible