DVI-FPDLINKII-M, DVI-FPD LINK II Demo platform takes the DVI signals as a video input, and desterilizes the parallel RGB and control signals

Referenzdesign von: Texas Instruments

DVI-FPDLINKII-M, DVI-FPD LINK II Demo platform takes the DVI signals as a video input, and desterilizes the parallel RGB and control signals

DVI-FPDLINKII-M, DVI-FPD LINK II Demo platform takes the DVI signals as a video input, and desterilizes the parallel RGB and control signals. The DS90UR905Q converts this 24-bit parallel RGB data and control data to a high-speed serialized (FPD-LINK II) over a single pair with up to 10m STP cable. The DS90UR906Q recovers the data (RGB) and control signals, and extracts the clock from the serial stream. The recovered RGB and control data are converted back to the DVI signals as a video output to any Displays